System information (version)
OpenCV => 4.5.5
Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 20.04 64bit
Compiler => gcc 9.4.0
cuda 11.2
cudnn 8.2.1
### Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute)
* Package Name/Version: **opencv/4.5.3**
* Operating System+version: **macOS 12.1**
* Compiler+version: **apple-cl…
### Describe the bug
I am trying to customize [`inference_model`](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmclassification/blob/master/mmcls/apis/inference.py#L54) function so it can work with batches.
It s…
### System Information
// example for c++ user
OpenCV version: 4.6.0 and 4.7.0
Operating System / Platform: Windows 11
Compiler & compiler version: Visual Studio 17 2022
### Detailed descript…
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => 4.5.0
- Operating System / Platform => Linux for Tegra, Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier
- Compiler => gcc7
##### Detailed description
I get a segme…
### System Information
When compiling opencv4.5.5, I find that the objdetect module is not compiled.
The libopencv_objdetect.so and libopencv_objdetect4.5.so files are not found in the lib directo…
Hi,my running environment is ubunbtu16.04,cuda 9.0,cudnn 7.1.4 and tensorflow-gpu=1.12.When running: `python experiment.py train configs/magic-point_shapes.yaml magic-point_synth` ,I have successful…
I wanna use OpenMVG as a third party and I think I have read the `Build.md` and other issues carefully. Sorry to bother you.
These is some info when I complie my program.
Hello, thanks for sharing.
I run the datasets 12-mask.bag and have this error:
$roslaunch rpvio_estimator advio_12.launch bagfile_path:=/media/li/DATA/DATASET/RP-VIO/ADVIO/12-mask.bag
OpenCV Error…
Since #24 added homography decomposition, it would be good to also expose homography estimation using LO-RANSAC based on https://github.com/colmap/colmap/blob/9f3a75ae9c72188244f2403eb085e51ecf4397a8/…