I'm specifically asking because `.cljs.hl` syntax highlighting for Hoplon [no longer works](https://github.com/tailrecursion/hoplon-demos/blob/master/todoFRP/src/index.cljs.hl). I saw this was merged …
~~I'm expecting this is not a bug, just something I am doing wrong,~~ as I only just discovered this website. EDIT: I now believe it *is* a bug, see my subsequent comment below for details.
What I …
As part of the onboarding process for OSC, we used to fork the project's repositories to add widgets to their READMEs (if I remember correctly). We stopped doing that around a year ago, I believe?
Are there any plans or interest in using Javelin from Clojure? I was thinking earlier today that it would be nice to have cells on the backend too.
Yeah, core.async works for most of the same proble…
bsima updated
5 years ago
I request that the following data is removed from The Stack and StackOverflow:
- Commits
- GitHub issue
- StackOverflow:
- mudphone/EveryElixirPatternMatchingExampleEver
- mudphone/Exerci…
[Here](https://github.com/roman01la/uix/blob/0da33eef38a7122be226b9b9a8ae0b5431b6b5d3/core/src/uix/compiler/aot.clj#L494-L498) hiccup is transformed into react elements statically at macroexpansion ti…
den1k updated
2 months ago
### Environment
* Elixir version (elixir -v): Erlang 26 / Elixir 1.15.7
* Phoenix version (mix deps): 1.7.9
* Operating system:
calliope@chesapeake:~/base/code/press/ > nix-shell -p nix-…
[Java EE was deprecated in Java 10, and removed in Java 11](https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/320#Java-EE-modules). This causes Hoplon to fail with:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bin…
`java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate pl/danieljanus/tagsoup__init.class or pl/danieljanus/tagsoup.clj on classpath.`
need to add `[clj-tagsoup/clj-tagsoup "0.3.0"]` as a dep