Hello!! Thanks for your share. And I want to run bash download_cache.sh. But the link to "https://dsmn.ml/files/d2-net/hpatches-sequences-cache.tar.gz" seems broken. Can you share the new link please?
I was reading about the issue #117 for the homography and was basing my inplementation on yours. I am not getting the right outputs. Forexample,
This is very nice implementation and it is very useful. However i have a question, is there anyway we can verify the correctness of homography matrix?
Thank you for your excellent work,Nearest neighbor matching is generally used in hpatches datasets, and I wonder if the network can match via Superglue or Lightglue
Hi, if I get a .r2d2 extension (including descriptors.npy, imsize.npy, keypoints.npy and scores.npy) after running the extract.py, how can I evaluate it on Hpatches and visualize the results using d2-…
Hi there
In the Readme file there are details about some of the pretrained models. There is a column about the network size (# of parameters).
| model name | model size(#weights)| nu…
Hello,author, I would like to inquire why feature extraction is often performed on single-channel gray images. What are the advantages of this approach and is it possible to use three-channel color i…
Could you please share the code about how to evaluate the model on the HPatches datasets?
Hello and thank you very much for this work. I tested the effect of ORB feature enhancement before and after using the trained model in your open source project, the test results are as follows, but i…
Hello, thank you for sharing your excellent work. Let me ask the code about HPatches-Sequences-Matching-Benchmark.
After feature extraction,i want to use HPatches-Sequences-Matching-Benchmark to anal…