### Issue details
In my app I'm using JS to hijack links and reload portions of the page when they are clicked, rather than the whole page itself. I'm then updating the URL and history via the HTML5 …
In older browsers, there are 2 options for navigate
1. use hashbangs
2. replace location.href with the navigate url
Sometimes you just want #2 b/c it is simple. This ticket is to track allowing that…
I using browser-sync with gulp and angularjs. When I pass ghostMode: false to browser-sync settings, or disable it manually - it doesn't change ghost mode and still syncing all my actions.
So, when I …
Are there plans to "kill" really the page in question (like the chrome task manager). This increase network traffic when reloading, but would reduce the maximum memory consumption.
I can't see anywhere which states which browsers that this supports?
I presume that it supports IE8 and IE9? But it would be good to know about others.
timc3 updated
11 years ago
needs reproducible example tho.
I have html5-history-api on my meteor platform. Currently the entire site is password protected with the exception of one page (not the route (/) page). When i try to load up that page in ie9 i…
mgarf updated
9 years ago
Vaadin 8.3. Since the addition of HTML5 History API the fragments has been abolished and REST-like paths are now being used. The query parameters were generally not used with the old fragment approach…
In my package json, if I set the `homepage` like this:
homepage: "/path"
Is there any way to run `http-server` such that I can run the app from that specified subdomain? Something like `…
There seems to be no limit how many times you can pushState and over time the browser will get slower and crash.