(This is intended mainly for Rodas.)
Look at the code for Linas's previous OpenCog-based chatbot,
There is nothing too deep AI-wis…
Clean up the imports to avoid importing unecessary stuff.
### The problem
Have a `Hypergraph` symbol analogous to [`Graph`](http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Graph.html), which will convert `Hypergraph[{hyperedges... }]` to a (hopefully) optimized s…
Thank you for providing a detailed overview of the major ideas behind the introspector project. Here's a summary of the …
Modular decomposition refers to the process of building a modular
decomposition tree. These can yield very interesting properties about
graphs (directed, undirected, and hypergraphs alike). Mo…
by default should these be presented as symmetric or upper triangular?
### Title
Higher order informational interactions in neuroimaging
### Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack
[Higher order interactions are being increasingly used and applie…
Hi :)
I am trying to create hypergraphs with pretty huge hyperedge weights. As a consequence, when these get too large I get this error log:
ERROR: InexactError: trunc(Int32, 1099511627776)…
Maybe we can implement the functionality we use, or just use functions from igraph
ghost updated
4 years ago
Dear developers,
I'm now working with the mapper algorithm. I read the [documentation](https://kepler-mapper.scikit-tda.org/reference/stubs/kmapper.adapter.html#module-kmapper.adapter) and find th…