I tried it on a paper that already had a DOI (deleted it and tried to fetch it again) but no result.
Zotero 6
DOI manager 1.4.2.
Epoch 1/24
1125/1125 [==============================] - 131s 117ms/step - loss: 1.0463 - val_loss: 1.1207
Epoch 00001: val_loss improved from inf …
Hey all! I'm seeing some odd behavior when servicing interrupts in Hubris: I'm seeing interrupts triggering twice, but _only_ when handled through hubris's `DefaultHandler` mechanism. I know this smac…
In [`57de356`](https://github.com/Sulstice/Uptime-Medical-Informatics/commit/57de356ce49ab92954dc939e91637545d8d0f6c7
), MITOS dataset (http://www.ipal.cnrs.fr/event/icpr-2012) was **down**:
- HTTP co…
In [`ecf6140`](https://github.com/Sulstice/Uptime-Medical-Informatics/commit/ecf614040b198f5cb0988c5ddaf1987a6a3464b8
), MITOS dataset (http://www.ipal.cnrs.fr/event/icpr-2012) was **down**:
- HTTP co…
In [`e30f5c5`](https://github.com/Sulstice/Uptime-Medical-Informatics/commit/e30f5c5c1cef5848db7e303e7d19273512e6ff7c
), MITOS dataset (http://www.ipal.cnrs.fr/event/icpr-2012) was **down**:
- HTTP co…
According to sklearn API, a data or feature pre-processor should accept the `y` argument in `transform()`. For instance, I'm trying to add balancing algorithms, that do need the `y` because they add/r…