- http://groups.google.com/group/greasemonkey-users/t/3c8b0fcb6a7ebbc0
- http://publicsuffix.org/list/
We should rely on this external, curated, list of TLDs rather than the rather out-of-date cobble…
Hi , i'm here again
1) I use svn to control application version , so in the test dir (in my app folder) i have .svn dir , and i want to remove this
So i changed FileList.php
`foreach ( $files as $f…
how i raise the speed game?
lumea updated
12 years ago
how to install izariam?
Quoting Anthony's post http://groups.google.com/group/greasemonkey-dev/browse_thread/thread/c4755e26c01c912e on greasemonkey-dev:
> All metadata will be read _from the script_ as the authoritative so…
johan updated
13 years ago
Latest GM updates (December ones) have introduced a difference in
scoping of GM_\* functions.
In particular, a window.setTimeout used to call a GM_setValue is not
working any more if inside an unsafe…