The library loads in realtime and it grows which looks ugly, the html should have the dimensions and a placeholder before loading the images
Currently, when loading a glTF file, glTFast will load all Unity assets (Textures, Materials, Meshes...) as defined in glTF file into memory. However, the library user might only care about a particul…
**Feature request summary**
LCP images that are lazy-loaded using a JavaScript library are not detected, and this is a large percentage of the total population of lazy-loaded LCP images -…
I'm using the draw.io online version and select File..Open Library From... Then I input the URL, https://github.com/donhector/ubiquiti-drawio/raw/main/Ubiquiti.xml and receive the error "Error loading…
DFC72 updated
1 month ago
Original issue: https://github.com/wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android/issues/230
On a slow connection, it looks like nothing is happening on the media picker screen if the media library has not alrea…
Android app release 5.0.0
Flinging up and down in the dealer list,
thumbnail icons for dealers start to randomly vanish.
The more you scroll, the more icons disappear.
Not replaced with a plac…
### Overview
I am adding flutter as a module into my existing native iOS and Android application. The issue I am facing is that the image is not loading on iOS. Only the placeholder Image is displayi…
### OpenVINO Version
### Operating System
Android System
### Device used for inference
### Framework
### Model used
### Issue description
Hi guys. I get this error when I tried to initilize wasm in my ts/js file:
``` Uncaught (in promise) CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected magic word 00 61 73 6d, found 3c 21 44 4f @+0 `…
### Brief description of the issue
the new version
not include libcjack
rssguard: error while loading shared libraries: libjack.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or direct…