When writing tests for some after_transition callbacks I haven't seen exceptions being raised within the callback.
``` ruby
after_transition, :on => :finish, :do => :finish_it
def finish_…
nburt updated
5 years ago
I have an issue with the make pipeline for running a single proof: although I've specified `CBMC_OBJECT_BITS` in the makefile but it did not get translated into the `--object-bits` flag during the pip…
The terms produced by the "induction" tactic appeal to eliminators, whereas the
terms produced by "destruct" appeal to "match" or "if". That's why we have an
edict against using "destruct" (and aga…
Post questions here for this week's oritenting readings: Timmermans, Stefan and Iddo Tavory. 2012. “Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis.” Sociologic…
The "improved" implementation of PR #2056 still is flawed. For ease of comparison, it is
splitAt : ∀ m {n} (xs : Vec A (m + n)) →
∃₂ λ (ys : Vec A m) (zs : Vec A n) → xs ≡ ys ++ z…
There are some important documents to help implementers of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems and for countries that do not speak English natively this could be an additional challenge. An…
Post questions about the following orienting reading:
Timmermans, Stefan and Iddo Tavory. 2012. “[Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis.](https://j…
:Library rdfs:subClassOf [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:allValuesFrom :Book ;
owl:onProperty :holds
] ;
This is a ridiculously convoluted way to say that…
lets go into self reflective, auto semiotic, stream of conciousness, free style, note taking, neologism constructing mode. consider the construction of the polynomial, each prime base carefully chosen…
Olivier has been doing an internship at INRIA/LIX and has come up with an interesting implementation of [context schemas](https://github.com/osavaryb/abella_schema).
- [ ] summarize the features for t…