Diagrama de classes em [png](https://pessoal.dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br/jeansimao/Fundamentos2/TopicosTrab/DiagramaJogoModelo.jpg) e [uml](https://pessoal.dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br/jeansimao/Fundamentos2/Topic…
With Nim 2.0.0, the function signature for `=destroy` hooks changed.
These need to be updated, the compiler warnings should tell you the relevant locations.
### The problem
After upgrading to HA last version 2021.11.1 the KNX entities continue switching from availble to Not avalable
# Sets: dont assume uint16 as default type
## Abstract
The sets advance type from nim by default assumes the type `uint16` when you give it a range of numbers with no explicit type mentioned.
### Description
The macos package CI, specifically patch 1, sometimes times out after 60 minutes when running "Test selected Nimble packages". Pretty sure this happens even before any Nimble packag…
it was a bit strange I did not find a lot of mentions about `tcc`?
Are there any option to enable it like default cc in inim configs? at the moment `inim` feels pretty laggy even on fast…
I've disabled chronos on OSX from important_packages in https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/13954 because CI for chronos fails on OSX:
Create a tag including https://github.com/jangko/nim-noise/commit/ac14183481f0cf5b553e8bd6b29713b9d67d9b4d, otherwise it fails inim.
/Users/runner/work/Nim/Nim/pkgstemp/inim/inim.nim(4, 2…
There is an issue when I run getOsName in Fedora 32 (I use a Docker image).
[root@ac91b9c09284 /]# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="32 (Container Image)"