The text is hard to read when a white background is used for the console. Please have …
# 2018-09-03
## 昨天
- 安裝 iTerm2
- 修改 iTerm2 的 color scheme
- 安裝 powerline font
- 安裝 zsh
- 安裝 oh-my-zsh
- 安裝 zsh theme: powerlevel9k
- 設定 powerlevel9k
心得:今天看 [CMD101] 的其他參考資料中的延伸閱讀,把 iTerm 整個…
It would be cool if it was possible to display paths like fish does:
Top is pshazz…
Currently, the selected text on iTerm2 with solarized light/dark theme is not distinguishable from background color, thus I was wondering if the selection part color can be adjusted to make it more re…
$ lab --version git version 2.24.1
hub version 2.13.0
For someone that knew the attributes in both vscode color themes and in terminal color scheme, it seems that it would be easy to write, say, a Python script to do this translation.
Because I know nei…
Hello, it's so awesome using Gvim with the solarized dark theme, But when I use vim ,it's just the light theme,whatever I do with the configurations. I want to use the solarized dark theme in vim ,so…
I was wondering what the color scheme and font was used for the theme screenshot in `README.md`:
![Terminal screenshot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/526122/9604024/ac338638-50ac-11e5…
Feel free to take this issue and make it your own.
- [Mac OS X Setup Guide](http://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/)
- [Mac OS X 设置指南](https://www.gitbook.com/book/laoshuterry/mac_os_setup_guide/details)
- [Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks](https://gist.github.co…