Hi, can you please upload a sample annotation.json file
In the RetinaNet script ([see current PR](https://github.com/axondeepseg/axon-detection/pull/13/files#diff-36eb7e5494967483667a49335251c973075a7779a8494740e26cf2b63ca6ea87)), an error is thrown in the…
I have such classes in a package:
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaCl…
我有翻过你之前的帖子 分别是两个一个是说 试看改成这样,我试了还是不working勒
> anno_json = glob.glob('./coco/annotations/instances_val*.json')[0] # annotations json
另一个是说找不到ground truthfile 不过hor,这问题就来了,为什么如果我只train8个或以下的epoch的…
Is it possible to update the dependency to json_annotation ^4.0.0 ? I've got resolving issues because of that...
Annotations /root/autodl-tmp/datasets/coco/annotations/instancesonly_filtered_train.json: 4%|███▏ | 714/18732 [00:02
Jackson has added `@JsonManagedReference`, `@JsonBackReference`, & `@JsonIdentityInfo` to support putting JPA Entities directly to the wire.
Similar annotations in JSON-B would be useful for gettin…
hi, can you provide the `grounding_upper_bound.json` and `grounding_annotation.json` for the training set?
### Describe the issue
Using IonToJson task on a file that contains a type annotated value produce infinite nested call of IonSystemLite['loader"] and IonStringLite["system"].
## Bug reproductio…
Hi, I greatly appreciate the contribution of this dataset.
However, when I attempted to run the following command:
`egoexo -o /data/seg/Ego-Exo4D/ --benchmarks correspondence --yes`
the download pr…