{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
{.section} will be augmented to repeat if the node type is a list [].
{.repeated section} will then become superfluous. But for readability,
we'll keep it, and it could *enforce* that…
#### Vue version: "2.5.4" via Nuxt "^1.0.0-rc11" and "vue-awesome-swiper": "^3.1.3"
#### Reproduction Link
//INDEX: Where I call a Swiper component
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