I want to implement a zoom feature in my Angular app which uses JsPlumb Community to display flowcharts.
I have followed the sample given here: https://docs.jsplumbtoolkit.com/community-2.x/current…
I am using JSPlumb in amy angular 4 project to connect two or more source elements to the target.
This connection will happen based on the checkbox selection from the source side.
Below are th…
I want to make a bezier connector with an arrow on the end, with the point of the arrow touching the target window and a relatively thick line. This is a fairly common thing in box-and-arrow figures.
from google code
Following up report from jsplumb/community-edition#876:
JsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/43px586b/11/
d3js and graphviz are currently used. Investigate alternatives
jsPlumb.bind("click", function(connection, originalEvent) {
alert('clicked on a connection');
click event is not triggered.
期待 Butterfly-Editor 能够开放出来,目前编写的程序参考的如下系统,核心使用jsplum。
#### 在svg中添加交互
#### 基于 HTML5 Canvas 实现用户交互
Hibop updated
6 years ago
originally a google code issue (https://code.google.com/p/jsplumb/issues/detail?id=176)
update Bezier connector to support 'stub' parameter like Flowchart and Straight connectors do.