I'm pretty new to ikhal, but i'm having an issue which i'm not sure if that's how it normally is or if i'm missing something.
Let's say i add an event to the calendar and i add an url to it,…
I think adding code_challenge and code_challenge_method to the URL query should be optionally disabled. Authorization Code Grant with PKCE is recommended so that it can be enabled by default, but the …
I was using khal-0.10.2 and just upgraded to 0.10.4 (on Ubuntu 20.04) and this problem persists. `khal list --notstarted` shows events that already happened today, a 1-hour event that started and end…
I am a big neomutt user for the management of my emails. When emails arrive with an attached.ics calendar file (for an appointment), I can't pipe it in khal.
I am using the `{tab}` character in my `agenda_event_format`: `"{calendar-color}{cancelled}{start-end-time-style}{tab}{title}{repeat-symbol} {reset}{calendar}{reset}"`, and here is my output.
It would be useful to have an indicator showing which events are in progress, or upcoming.
I'm not sure how it could look. One idea could be to have a "now" event shown, which would work to tell wh…
first of all thank you for your effort! I use ikhal in a split screen in a tmux session side by side with taskwarrior. So it would be cool if I could configure ikhal in a way that 1 or 2 mon…
Building khal 0.11.3 with sphinx 8.0.2 fails with:
Running Sphinx v8.0.2
loading translations [en]... done
making output directory... done
Converting `source_suffix = '.rst'` to `source_suffi…
Hello! I am using khal in interactive mode, so khal is opened many days without exit - is possible to delete events immediatelly (not only marked for deletion)? Maybe some configuration option for thi…
Hi, I am generating ics file from org-mode and importing into khal with
khal import -a todo --batch ~/.todo.ics
and everything works great.
Now I have reoccurring task happening every wee…