The goal is to allow APIs drawing more shapes onto a sudoku image, even variant sudoku elements such as diagonals, dots, comparison signs and so on.
> **Note**
> This issue may list some members t…
Implement a mechanism to allow priorization of different kinds of reductions, e.g., for a Killer Sudoku, the user may want to get rid of all digits first, then merge cages, and lastly remove cages. Id…
Implement a reducible KillerConstraint, which has some cages whose digits sum to a specified digit (per cage), and in which digits may not repeat.
let json = std::fs::read_to_string("benchdata/killer.json").unwrap();
let tasks: Tasks = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
let task = &tasks.tasks[4];
let solver = Strateg…
Currently, solving Killer Sudoku is way too slow. This needs to be improved to be usable. Some ideas how this could be achieved:
- ~~Improve the KillerConstraint to reject more cages that lead to d…
Implement a mechanism that allows complicated constraints such as Killer Sudoku to be reduced. In this example, this would entail cages to merge, since larger cages (usually) give less information. No…
The comments for the Python Killer Sudoku example mention that "No number appears more than once in a cage", but the constraints fail to implement this. This is not a problem for the example puzzle, …
BPO | [1682](https://bugs.python.org/issue1682)
--- | :---
Nosy | @gvanrossum, @rhettinger, @facundobatista, @mdickinson, @ncoghlan, @wm75
Files | [rational.patch](https://bugs.python.org/file9021/rat…