If we add that contains inside into , image will not be rendered.
For example:
` {
console.log('onZoom:' + zoom);
canvasStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }…
| | |
|Previous ID | SR-15109 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | @hamishknigh…
Xcode can't install the package.
When "added anyway", the following reason is shown:
`Dependencies could not be resolved because root depends on 'ImageSlideshow' 1.0.0..
#### What
App Crashed on
func didReceiveData(_ data: Data) {
#### Reproduce
Used Kingfisher as brow in cellForRow
SInce this version of Process stores the Scrapyd job ID, it's easy to use [scrapy-log-analyzer](https://scr…
the kingfisher/requirements/snap_install.sh still contains hard coded pathes. ( related to #6 )
python can not be configured in the right way (may be not compatible with python3.6??)
Python c…
swift 4.1 用1.4.0 但 Kingfisher 用的 5.7.0 swift 5 版本的
swift版本不支持呀 怎么解决。
LLCycleScrollView难道用1.3.0 版本的吗
Installing Kingfisher 5.7.0 (was 3.13.1)
Installing LLCycleScrollView 1.4.9 (was 1.3.6)
Xcode 13.2
Swift 5.1+
iOS 10.0+
CocoaPods 1.11.2
最低设备指定了iOS 10,项目只使用了AppKit没用到SwiftUI,因此我指定了Kingfisher的版本是6.3.1;
项目import Kingfisher可以正常运行,但在验证和发布私有库出现了错误:
Getting a memory leak when using the profiler. Minimum code to reproduce (but still an issue when defining a processor):
` if let url = URL(string: urlValue) {
libswiftCore.dylib | _$sSS10describingSSx_tclufCSv_Tg5Tf4nd_nTm + 276
-- | --
1 libswiftCore.dylib | _$sSh12intersectionyShyxGABFTf4ng_n + 2704
2 libswiftCore.dylib | _$sSh12intersectionyShyxGABF…