### Versions:
- ide-helper Version: 2.8.1 (also tried with dev-master)
- Laravel Version: 8.12.3
- PHP Version: 7.4.11 (windows)
### Description:
I have installed package `maatwebsite/excel` …
### Describe the bug / バグの説明
### To Reproduce / 再現手順
1)1:n関係のテーブルを作成(例: 伝票テーブル、伝票明細テーブル)
* [ X] Able to reproduce the behaviour outside of your code, the problem is isolated to Laravel Excel.
* [ X] Checked that your issue isn't already filed.
* [ X] Checked if no PR was submitted that …
liucf updated
3 years ago
Currently I can get the data from my excel file, for every sheet I can get the data collection. The problem is, I want to sum up the value of specific cell range.
For example, I have field of **we…
const EXCEL_TYPE = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;charset=UTF-8';
const EXCEL_EXTENSION = '.xlsx';
public saveAsExcelFile(workbook: Excel.Workbook, fileNam…
I've got some problem:
mac$ composer update
Generating optimized autoload files
Class JasonGuru\LaravelMakeRepository\Exceptions\GeneralException located in ./vendor/jason-gur…
I am trying to upgrade laravel application from php 7.3 to php 8.0. And I am facing this error.
i would use the same query builder syntax to export data as Excel.
For example, calling:
.orderBy((descending ? '-' : '') + sortBy)