На странице "Курсы" в настоящее время представлены три персональных русскоязычных автора, создающих обучающие видеокурсы. (За исключением Валентина)
Однако это не охватывает всех …
### Message:
Object of class App\Enums\GroupTypes could not be converted to int
### File/Line:
### Message:
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::orWhere does not exist.
### File/Line:
### Message:
Class 'App\Console\Commands\roupTypes' not found
### File/Line:
Активный участник русскоязычного сообщества @andrey-helldar поддерживает проект на GitHub по локализации Laravel
https://github.com/laravel-lang. Я думаю, что было бы великолепной инициативой создат…
I'm actually still in the process of setting up Monica on my machine, but from what I read in the Readme, it only mentioned that the means for communicating events to user is by email. Rather than ema…
### Message:
Undefined property: Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine::$opportunity (View: /home/marce769/public_html/projects/marcelorodovalho.com.br/dsv/workspace/phpdfbot/resources/views/noti…
### Message:
Array to string conversion (View: /home/marce769/public_html/projects/marcelorodovalho.com.br/dsv/workspace/phpdfbot/resources/views/notifications/opportunity.blade.php)
### File…
### Bug description
Currently, if there's scope/relation/attribute mentioned in the doc comment in the class (usually generated with `laravel-ide-helper`), `jump-to-definition` jumps to the comment, …
a comunidade do facebook Laravel Brasil com 15 mil pessoas (https://www.facebook.com/groups/laravelbrasil/) não deixou eu entrar por conta de uma foto com filtro de cara de jacaré e me baniram sem ne…