Introduction and Working: Face recognition is performed using local binary pattern histograms(lbph) and face detection has been done using viola jones haar cascade classifier. The user has to first ru…
Since the Haar cascade approach seems to be not viable, instead try using the OpenCV FaceRecognizer class, specifically utilising the LBPFaceRecognizer variant
Using the opencv_createsamples command I have started 2 training classifiers both with different levels of strictness
Can create a small Graphical user interface were, using Tkinte. Were it will be easy for the user to use the sytstem. I would like to add GUI for face recongnisiton using LBPH algo
For Sample GUI:…
Hi, As every recognition algo have readme except these two algo's.
I want to add a Readme file for these two including there installations, dependencies, and features. (JWOC)
Hi, As every recognition algo have readme except these two algo's.
I want to add a Readme file for these two including there installations, dependencies, and features. (JWOC)
Доброго дня!
Во-первых, огромное спасибо за столь прекрасную работу.
Во-вторых, уже почти год заглядываю сюда и у меня скопились вопросы, на которые у меня нет ответов. Если вы мне поможете с ответа…
huppo updated
3 years ago
I have already trained images for almost three faces and saved the train data to HD, and then when loading the trained data, and predict the face, it throws the following the Exception:
Hi guys
I just got all the code and thought i got all the way though the FR stuff but i keep getting a error when i run faces.py
PS C:\Users\ADBY\Desktop\Coding\OpenCV-Python-Series-master\src> p…