- mio/hdb1 (& hdb2...)
- meta-data set
- one from NeurIPS reviewers:
- MetaDataset, ORBIT, VTAB
I got this bizarre error:
File "/home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/metalearning_gpu/lib/python3.9/site-packages/learn2learn/algorithms/maml.py", line 169, in adapt
self.module = maml_update(s…
I wanted to see the actual image classes (ideally as strings) e.g. cat dog etc for mini-imagenet tasks. Is it possible to do it? How does one do it?
I tried to run the KronckerLSTM, but I failed. AS follows:
import torch
from learn2learn.nn import KroneckerLSTM
m, n = 2, 3
x = torch.randn(6)
h = torch.randn(6)
kronecker = Kronec…
related to https://github.com/learnables/learn2learn/issues/355 I tried iterating through a union data set and couldn't.
odd the union data set's iterator doesn't work:
assert isinstance…
L2L generating task-set to load data is very time-consuming, can you add a progress bar to it?
like,tqdm. thanks
Hello everyone, thanks for releaing this wonderfull framework! I have been trying to use this framework for a project, however, I could not understand how I could adapt my custom dataset to the metada…
Somehow I get the following error:
Downloading: /home/miranda9/data/l2l_data/mini-imagenet-cache-test.pkl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/meta_learnin…
In the following reptile example script https://github.com/learnables/learn2learn/blob/master/examples/vision/reptile_miniimagenet.py:111, the meta-learning rate has a bug: it remains constant and doe…
`E:\Anaconda\envs\RL\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py:385: UserWarning: The .grad attribute of a Tensor that is not a leaf Tensor is being accessed. Its .grad attribute won't be populated …