Create predefined learning paths for different subjects such as programming, life sciences, physics, and mathematics. Each learning path should include a curated list of topics, resources, and exercis…
**Current State:**
The [Learning Path Labs](https://layer5.io/learn/service-mesh-labs) are an excellent resource for DevOps engineers and others training on cloud native technologies. Each of the l…
So i was visiting your webapp footsteps.dev and i search for react paths but in learning path i saw that the paths are not responsive i am using macbookpro 13"" model
Would like to work on it.…
Add a feature to save or archive a learning path for future reference.
It would be nice to see opened `learning paths`. At this moment I see only opened `module`. At the top of the page there cou…
Problem: When resuming the training of a BERT model with the Hugging Face Trainer from a checkpoint, the loss value increases again in the second run, even though the checkpoint is loaded correctly an…