First of all, thank you for sharing your configurations.
I tried to set up Jira in my LEMP-Stack but fail on my reverse NGINX proxy. After trying to set up the proxy i.a.w. Configure Jira server t…
After your talk at #wcsf I decided to give WordPress Skeleton a try. I have a local version of a LEMP stack running. I realized that I needed to get the WP files (since they weren't there) so I cloned…
On OSX 10.10.5, with Vagrant 1.7.2, if I do `vagrant-spk setupvm uwsgi` and then `vagrant-spk up`, I see this, and then the script hangs:
Calling 'vagrant' 'up' in /Users/dwrensha/Desktop/test-va…
Hi I am rebuilding my jemalloc 5.3.0 versioned RPM for EL7 and EL8. However, EL8 on Alma Linux 8 build seems to be including extra files into the resulting RPM which aren't part of the package related…
### Background information
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OpenSSL 3.2 supports TLS certificate compression https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2023/11/23/OpenSSL32/ and was wondering if Nginx/Angie can benefit from such for serving SSL certificates for HTTPS? …
### Background information
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I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04.1 with a LEMP-stack and installed Nextcloud 20.0.5 the classic way (so far everything works fine).
I cloned the pdfdraw-repo including subs into the nextcloud-…
### Background information
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### Background information
- [x] Reporting an issue of an unmodified OSPOS installation
- [x] Checked [open and closed issues](https://github.com/opensourcepos/opensourcepos/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=…