Hi Team,
I find litmus's latest version is [3.4.0](https://github.com/litmuschaos/litmus/tags), but currently the helm repo's version is only [3.1.0](https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/litmuschaos/…
## 티맵 API
경유지의 위도, 경도를 여러 군데 찍으면 알아서 최적 경로&순서 짜주는 API
[경유지 순서 최적화 API 샘플](https://tmapapi.tmapmobility.com/main.html#webservice/sample/WebSampleRouteOptimization)
![스크린샷 2024-10-30 오후 1…
[10:57:08] Using gulpfile ~/my-project/gulpfile.js
[10:57:08] Starting 'test'...
[10:57:08] Finished 'test' after 56 ms
Sending new version: My Project
New version sent!
I've been working on Litmus Chaos custom installation for a while and noticed that currently there's no way to set your own custom environment variables for any Litmus pods. [At least th…
Needed to build some BDD and unit testcases for admission webhook.
Tracking this here: https://github.com/litmuschaos/litmus/issues/2182
Cristian Mattarei (cced), a researcher at Stanford has been working on developing litmus tests for SharedArrayBuffers based directly on the SAB memory model.
The Litmus Helm Agent, one of the microservice in Litmus, requires modernization for compatibility with Litmus 3.x API changes. Simultaneously, migrating Litmus Chaos container images to Red Hat's Uni…
Good day all,
Not an issue but a question: What exactly is the problem with atomics?
I have read the discussion [#59]( https://github.com/ch32-rs/ch32-hal/issues/59)
Is this confirmed by WCH, o…
Context: https://github.com/litmuschaos/litmus-helm/pull/265#discussion_r941690194
Example of issues: https://github.com/litmuschaos/litmus-helm/pull/257 (impossible to change values independently)…
The litmus-service has seen useful changes since the initial release (as can be gauged from these [closed issues](https://github.com/keptn-sandbox/litmus-service/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed)).