Here is a suggestion for button actions:
Sync Categories
Sync Products
Flush /media/tmp
Reset IC Table
We reduce the space by removing Images word. The last button name should e…
As a developer I would like the testing suite to base the installed files based on the `type` field in the composer.json file, so that there is no need to add duplicate info and there will be no misco…
**First Change**
**line 50** from
```'caption' => Mage::helper('defcon2imaclean')->__('delete'),```
For Magento1 projects we often use .modman and include modules via symlinks.
So our project root folder has two subfolders: `.modman` and `shop` whereas most of the things in `shop` are symlinked fr…
**OpenMage v20.0.5**
1. Go to Backend -> System -> Configuration
2. On the left side in section "Current Configuration Scope" there a (?) tooltip. See the screenshot attached bellow
3. By clickin…
### Summary (*)
I used to use a module called Defcon2-Imaclean, it would fix a native issue in Magento that were never fixed.
The issue was:
If you delete the product, the images of this del…
**Bug description**
Magento 1 sends out their own newsletter subscriber thank you email, even if Smaily automation has been created and activated, to send out newsletter subscriber thank you email.
For those who do not know this is a free Best4Mage plug-in, this plug-in allows the creation of complex configurable products with extreme ease and speed.
I recommend it for those who need to creat…
### Important information after discussion with Product Departmen
This issue has been discussed with Magento Product Manager(PO).
> Changes from b1eece2 were made by the Core team intentionally…
We are using MailChimp and Mandrill module version 1.1.8 on our production Magento1 website. When we tried to disable the MailChimp module using module config file at etc/module folder we are g…