Hi everyone, I am writing a markdeep extension for python-markdown in order to be able to draw diagrams with markdeep support.
However, I had some issues in rendering arrows, since they are escaped. …
korektura tohohle https://github.com/egdilna/egovedu/blob/main/ucebni-texty/interakce-ukon-sluzba-klient.markdeep.md
Could goAT support writing diagrams as code?
For example, a sequence diagram [1, 3] could be
Alice -> Bob: Hello Bob!
**Describe the bug**
`` tags are supposed to be ignored by Markdown, to preserve ASCII art; however, [``](https://casual-effects.com/markdeep/#doxygen) is hit by the Markdown parser, thus breaking AS…
> 简悦包含了很多平台的版本,所以为了方便定位,建议告诉我一些必要信息
- 操作系统 **e.g. Windows MacOS**
macOS Monterey
- 浏览器版本 **e.g. Chrome 78.0.3904.108**
Chrome 102.0.5005.61
- 简悦版本 **2.0.0**
- 发生问题的…
There can be errors when parsing HTML entities in slides, in particular `` and `&` may be parsed incorrectly if not replaced by `<`, `>` and `&` or `<`, `>` and `&`. As an exampl…
After discovering that goat was doing ... things to diagrams, @reschke produced an XSLT program that fixes up diagrams. This is fine, but it seemed better to go for the source.
div doc is incomplete , must be as rem
but can wait until markdeep/doxygen rewritng decision
jtlap updated
3 years ago