**Submitting author:** @m-dadej (Mateusz Dadej)
**Repository:** https://github.com/m-dadej/MarSwitching.jl
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss
**Version:** 0.2.2
**Editor:** @jbyt…
Novel: **[A Time for Destiny: The Illustrious Career of Serenity Starlight Warhammer O'James during her First Three Years in the Space Fighters](https://cdn.rawgit.com/cpressey/eafe2c9fad2884b812…
Issue opened to collect info about possible future SPSA improvements.
### SPSA references
SPSA is a fairly simple algorithm to be used for local optimization (not global optimization).
The wiki h…
**Submitting author:** @LeoEgidi (LEONARDO EGIDI)
**Repository:** https://github.com/LeoEgidi/pivmet
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): master
**Version:** v0.6.0
**Editor:** @skanwal…
Fifty thousand words, huh? I do fear that the plot will begin to suffer partway through no matter _how_ cleverly I code, but I'll give it a whirl.
model.forecast() throws NotImplementedError for regime switching model. It is not giving out of sample predictions.
model.predict() only gives in sample predictions.
## Idea 💡
The **ULTIMATE** achievement for this project would be if Auto-GPT was able to recursively improve itself. That, after-all, is how AGI is predicted by many to come about.
## Suggestion …
**Submitting author:** @aadya940 (Aadya Chinubhai)
**Repository:** https://github.com/aadya940/chainopy
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): master
**Version:** v1.0.0
**Editor:** @moo…
Sorry to bother with another question:
here is my workflow:
estimate(S = 100) %>%
estimate(S = 5000) -> out_ms
I a…