Can you add the math functions to it? Or maybe the ability to add functions Arbitrarily? Also, would it be possible to use jarbarscript on a three.js vector?
Just wondered if there was a way to add custom math functions to the parsing and evaluation of expressions?
we need to consider what values we want to capture/notify....i.e. (current price - openingprice = currently loss)
I noticed today that the two functions related to the decibel pseudo-unit require some work.
dB(x) is declared as "voltage decibel".
Decibel is however always related to a power ratio.
Add maths functions that operate element-wise on mir slice elements
## Trigonometric functions
- [x] sin
- [x] cos
- [x] tan
- [x] arcsin
- [x] arccos
- [x] arctan
- [ ] a(rc)tan2
- [x] d…
Why did you decide to put the math functions in a `math::` subnamespace?
I really think that compile-time unit types are extremely useful tools to have at hand (standardization would be great), but…
* [ x] I've read, understood, and done my best to follow the [*CONTRIBUTING guidelines](https://github.com/jjatie/Charts/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Motivation
A common use for Charts is to p…
Currently the spec treats [``](https://drafts.csswg.org/scroll-animations-1/#typedef-timeline-range-name) as an `` and a named range is specified as [` `](https://drafts.csswg.org/scroll-animations-1/…
#### Stock-take of Math functions
This is a comparison of math functions, with the aim of helping to identify if any functions are missing that may need to be added, etc. (in preparation for Nim V…
tip: 697
title: Migrate Floating-Point Calculations from Math to StrictMath
author: halibobo1205@gmail.com
discussions to: https://github.com/tronprotocol/TIPs/issues/697
status: Draft