最大流问题最大流问题是算法竞赛中经常考察的问题,其目标是解决这样一类问题:给定源点$s$和汇点$t$,给定包含源点汇点的网络,网络中每条边有其相应的所能经过的最大流量,求源点至汇点最多能有多少流量。用数学语言描述为: 给定有向图$G(V,E)$ $V$表示点集 $E$表示边集,其中每条单向边由三元组组成…
最大流问题最大流问题是算法竞赛中经常考察的问题,其目标是解决这样一类问题:给定源点$s$和汇点$t$,给定包含源点汇点的网络,网络中每条边有其相应的所能经过的最大流量,求源点至汇点最多能有多少流量。用数学语言描述为: 给定有向图$G(V,E)$ $V$表示点集 $E$表示边集,其中每条边由三…
I.e. don't include code, but give a hint about what to do if they against all probability do appear. tinyKACTL does this for Suurballe's algorithm, as thus:
> Shortest tour from A to B to A again n…
This is probably more of a feature request than a bug.
Whenever I wish to install this solution on Windows it requires that I have VS build tools installed as it seems like it needs to build maxflo…
Hi Pmneila
Sorry for this further question, I hope that this will my last one.
Now I'm using my code on Amazon ec2 cloud service because I need more computation power than the one that my laptop can o…
I tried to launch your script according to example that cmd arguments suggest:
`python2 main_bonus.py astronaut.png astronaut_marking.png ./`
but nothing happens and cmd arguments are suggested…
I am encountering a problem with ipt_netflow on Ubuntu 18, specifically related to missing Nat Events (NEL) in the collector logs. Here are the details of the current setup:
ipt_netflow Version: 2.…
無向辺の容量下限(どちらかの向きに少なくとも) ... 無理そう
sink/sourceはまとめる...一般に有効 属性をつけたいなら辺につける
## maxflow
- メモ : 最大流において、s / t に直接接続する線は、押し戻しが発生することはない。
- よって、push_backの順を大切にすれば、実際に流れるフローも下限を満たすだろう
- 値だけなら、push_ba…
- [x] permettere all'utente di caricare o un file json o un file gml, altrimenti visualizziamo un messaggio; aggiungere nel server la possibilità di prendere in ingresso un gml da Web. Visto che ho pa…
The Graph::mincut is added recently. It returns a Mincut object and the
usage pattern is
Graph g = Graph::full(4);
Vector p(1);
Is this interface approp…