This issue is reserved for comments on the blog post [Free monoids and free monads](http://blog.higher-order.com/blog/2013/08/20/free-monads-and-free-monoids/). Leave a comment below and it will show …
Why is `state` and `stateT` defined both in ext-lib and Basics.v
Now bunch of Cardano errors are returned in raw form, which is hard to comprehend for user. We need to cover all such errors, preferably by static check of constraints DSL.
All stuff covered by sta…
What do we really want `Monad` for that we can't do with `ArrowChoice`?
This is a fantastic section. It was really fun and easy to read. In fact, it's so good I wished it had come sooner in the book!
Please consider having the initial inheritance section earlier (eve…
If you modify the property in resources/exe/simple/config.json to use R1
"func": "main",
"property" : "(assert (= (bvadd R1_mod #x00000002) R0_orig))",
"patches" : [
Both scheme and racket are inclined into functional programming. Monads is a useful (albeit not a required) tool for functional programming. Monads don't need to be so syntax sugared or have imposed u…
arvyy updated
5 years ago
So, I wrote this set of macros:
``` clojure
(require '[clojure.algo.monads :refer [defmonad domonad]])
(defn status
[{:keys [status]}]
(defn result
[{:keys [result]}]
(def …
Monad transformers in Haskell have been completely under my radar until today.
I did some reading on them, and discovered that they seem to be the "right" types to use when you have a stack of mon…