Here we can add the papers we find
Sik-Ho Tsang. [Review: Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC/CPCv1)](https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-representation-learning-with-contrastive-predictive-coding-cpc-cpcv1-8…
I'm following the TensorFlow [BERT MRPC example](https://github.com/intel/neural-compressor/blob/master/examples/tensorflow/nlp/bert_base_mrpc/run_classifier.py) to run the neural compressor with a sa…
We're getting a slew of `duplicate label` warnings from `sphinx-build`...
python3.7/site-packages/sphinx/util/nodes.py:94: FutureWarning:
The iterable returned by Node.traverse()
**Describe the Issue**
Learning mFISH mice have .h5 motion corrected movies are clearly not well motion corrected (See examples below). I have posited two possible causes.
_Hypothesis 1: Pipeline…
I am training a BERT trained on the CoLA task (see also https://github.com/pytorch/captum/issues/303), so that I can classify sentences as grammatically acceptable or not. Take this example:
I find inpainting frustrating as it takes a lot of tries to get something that matches the existing image nicely. It seems like there are inpainting-specific models that are much better at doing this,…
I'm trying to use the quantizer with a saved model and I'm running into a KeyError for the signature `serving_default`. How do I specify a different signature key?
## ❓ Questions and Help
I have a sentiment analyzer project that is very similar to the text classifier example. I trained it on the IMDb dataset that is provided by torchtext. It has 50,000 total …
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