Hello Kris,
I have downloaded the source to the 9250 AHRS, but the system dones't seem to be functioning well at all.
The problems i'm experiencing are that the sensor fusion will settle on a value …
I'm trying to understand the following code fragment in the MPU6050_DMP6 example
// check for overflow (this should never happen unless our code is too inefficient)
if ((mpuIntStatus…
Sometimes my Arduino freezes or crashes when using JEFF ROWBERG library to read DMP data from MPU6050. It took me almost a full year to discover the problem and today I had some spare time and I tried…
First of all, I appreciate of this code that make it all so clear to understand.
Thanks a lot!
Go to topic, I am trying to implement this code on Onion Omega 2+ board, which is Linux based and has…
I've been trying to use i2cdevlib with a T3.x and an MPU6050, but I can't get it to compile. The errors are of the form:
`I2Cdev.cpp: 224:9: error: 'TwoWire' was not declared in this scope
I'm using MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h plus main lines of MPU6050_DMP6 to get roll out of the MPU6050. That works fine as long as pitch = zero. Code being that of the example:
bk4nt updated
5 years ago
I've been porting your code to run in MMBasic on the Micromite.
I think I've solved this issue unless it is already solved and the comment out of date.
The problem comes because the offsets are …
I've actually got the 9255 (returns 0x73 for whoami) connected to a nano. I am using the SparkFun 9250 Arduino library which includes your MPU9250 Basic Example code from April 1, 2014 modified …
Can you help me with adaptation of https://github.com/kriswiner/MPU-9250/blob/master/MPU9250BasicAHRS.ino for ESP-8266? )
I've connected
MPU-9250 ESP-1…
Hello @HongshiTan
I'm using code from another repo written for `teensy`, and I rewrote it for Arduino and compiling it for `stm32f411`.
> https://github.com/uutzinger/RTIMULib2-Teensy/