My Windows Form application crashes with error message System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'Melanchall_DryWetMidi_Native32'. This does only happen when published - if run from Visual Studi…
Currently, two chords whether equal just determined by `Key` and `ChordType`, not contains `inversion`. So C/E and C is equal:
let c_e: Chord = Chord(type: ChordType(third: .major), key: Ke…
This is really cool! Looks like there is a lot of documentation for how to create parallel sequences of notes, but would be awesome if there would be a way to do the same with arbitrary frequencies (i…
Running Android 3.4.4 build 6230404 and ran https://farm.youzim.it/pipeline/a4c6828d8bb6b108d13a8a06 on Zimit. No error message, just the little round thing going round and round for ever as it tries …
I have this function that extracts recent files from `emacs` and `vim`, and I want to add `neovim` support to it, but the shada file seems ill-suited to a naive extraction:
v () {
local f…
I sent the following event to the official sentry.io server – notice that 'exception.values[0].type' is accidentally an `object` instead of a `string`.
iccir updated
3 years ago
# Description
I'm using pychord-0.5.1
In constant QUALITY_DICT, there are 2 "2 chords qualities"
* **5**: (0, 7)
* **sus**: (0,7)
# Suggestion
* I think that **sus** quality sh…
All text and still images used in the lessons are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This means that you can reproduce t…
samuk updated
4 years ago
Bellow is the list of root URLs to create and test ZIM files off, using zimit's core docker image.
Zimfarm recipes (with appropriate metadata) will be created for each. Original list is on [zim-reque…
It would be useful for a server admin to be able to query the topic and avatar of rooms (without joining).