There is an opportunity to use Payjoin to make deposits into LDK Node use 1 txn instead of 2 when an on-chain txn funds a LN wallet/channel. Mutiny is doing this. We should explore it on LDK Node (pro…
One of the goals of this project is to nurture a more active signet. This is a placeholder for deciding on the initial default signet that we want to focus on.
We have three choices:
1. Standard S…
To analyse
we are getting continuous warning messages in our docker logs (using scorpiobroker/all-in-one-runner:java-kafka-latest). It seems to be related to a relatively high volume of requests (2 or …
### Version
### Context
While shutting down (e.q. when a quarkus app is restarted in dev mode), the client tries to reconnect to a queue, because `io.vertx.rabbitmq.impl.QueueConsumerHa…
There's a collection of Kotlin coroutine support modules for different reactive libraries.
Moving the coroutines integrations from mutiny-kotlin to https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/tree…
I'm running Tekton inside the EKS cluster, when i seeing that pod inside the Tekton-pipelines namespace i can see some quarkes error meesage, because of this i'm not able to approve the task from brow…
Now that we have chat in the app, here's my wish list of things to include. Most of these probably require some changes in mutiny-node
- [ ] Emoji reactions (mutiny-node needed)
- [ ] Replies (mut…
A strange thing happened today on my Mutiny address 3 payments that I sent correctly from another wallet of mine did not arrive.
What can I check?
Just stalls out on the empty state loading screen.
Looks like it never finishes processing gossip data before it stalls out. Unfortunately an error screen does not appear after the script times out…