Processing: ._USGS_LPC_AL_JeffersonCo_2013_Jefferson_261_LAS_2015.las
Could not load ._USGS_LPC_AL_JeffersonCo_2013_Jefferson_261_LAS_2015.las Please report this issue.
Processing: ._USGS_LPC_AL_Jef…
user-provided CRS: 6404
raster-derived CRS: +proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
Error in `[.tbl_df`(capemlGIS::eml_valid_crs, eml_valid_crs$epsg == epsgProjection, :
object '…
### Steps to reproduce
1. Open a map on Android OOM and attach a GPS.
2. Go for a walk and sprinkle some point objects using GPS positioning
3. Copy the map from Android to a desktop and open in OO…
### What is the bug or the crash?
The EPSG code of the CRS of a .las Point Cloud layer is not recognised using QGIS 3.34.0 on Windows (OSGeo4W): `NAD83 / UTM zone 15N + VERT_CS`
I am having trouble using https://www.epsg-registry.org/ to find the correct EPSG code for my data. From the current aggregator summaries, ESPG::4326 seems to be WGS84. I'm not sure about NAD83 or NAD…
SpaDES,core module code checks are warning about non-declared (in metadata) inputs which are actually temporary objects using during the simulation.
In the message below, `r`, `nn` and `sppKeep` are …
Hi, first of all thanks so much for help on the other issue I opened!
I was wondering if there was a way to create a point using a CRS without having to define the Geometry type? For example, inste…
So I'm getting a weird issue with v rc.4 where it's writing the horizontal units for Albers SHG as 'metre', as opposed to 'Meters', as previous versions have done.
in your commit "Better management for color management, update for csv management" you changed the CSVReader. In src/json/converter/csv/CSVReader.java function readRecord() you changed
``` java
From https://console.cloud.google.com/errors/detail/COeOscaP88X5MQ
validating corner submission {
blmPointId: 'UT260050S0020E0_140500',
county: 'Utah',
type: 'existing',