First of all, this framework seems pretty cool. Thank you for that!
But I have some problem using it in a React app.
**Expected behaviour in App.js:**
import React, { Comp…
Is there a way of using this library with React? How would I initialize and target components?
Would be awesome if you could supply a minimal setup example!
Thank you!
**The problem**
Next JS just release their v13 publicly.
As seen in [their docs](https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/styling/css-in-js), `emotion` has not yet added support.
Is there any plan to add s…
We need support drizzle integration.
- stars > 10
- not archived
- has `package.json`
- has `package-lock.json`
- hasn't `yarn.lock`
- hasn't `pnpm-lock.yaml`
- `package-lock.json` was updated less than 6 months ago
- is …
- Create a nextjs app.
- Remove useless boilerplate.
- Make sure to use Typescript
Exact same issue as described in https://github.com/Azure/static-web-apps/issues/622
Tested on two different deployments on two different static web apps, one of deployments was green 4 days ago, o…
### Describe the feature you'd like to request
**See example repo (https://github.com/rhinodavid/trpc-server-definition) for all the details**
My request is similar to the one @iduuck wrote abou…
I'm having difficulties getting my project to build.
Essentially I want to create a publishable node module (let's call it `my-db`) that exports the zapatos DB instance and the generated schema ty…
### Describe the bug
I'm on windows 10, node 16.3, npm 9.1.2
I use storybook + stencil for two years now and it always worked great.
I updated storybook from 6.5 to 7.0.5 and now the…