Hi Docherty! I tried your code and encountered the error on class GraphN2V's definition:
![屏幕截图 2021-04-06 194744](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39233289/113706204-ff188500-9710-11eb-935f…
Which parameter controls the scale of the value in the output vector?
I have build a network with 400 thousand nodes and more than 2 million edges, the node vectors are composed with values larger th…
I am using `grape.embedders.Node2VecGloVeEnsmallen` in an environment where there is a strict limit on number of threads being spawned. I could not find any argument that sets the number of threads.
I have a custom dataset:
Graphs: 79
Classes: 12
Nodes in each graph : min: 4 max: 770
The task is to classify 79 graphs into 12 classes.
The parameters are to be set for node2vec: no. of walks,…
I'm having this problem. It runs ok with the karate edge list example but not working with my real example. This is the log:
(env) mwon@mwon:/disk2/MP2Vec/snap/examples/node2vec$ ./node…
po主的代码十分精妙,但是其中有一些不通用的代码例如“ usersFiles : String="select phone_no from xyqb.user ",”以及Node2Vec.scala中的getUsers()部分代码,如果删除是否对算法的正确性有影响呢?我主要注释了以上部分,和Node2Vec.scala中的indexedNodes = indexedNodes.join(users…
MuGuo updated
5 years ago
After installing node2vec on python 3.6, it gives the following error when running `import node2vec`:
`AttributeError: module 'smart_open' has no attribute 's3'`
This is fixed by installing gemsim…
input graph:
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
spark version: 2.1.0
the parms as flow:
w2vIter: 10,
w2vLr: 0.025,
w2vPartitions: 1,
w2vDim: 128,
w2vWindow: 10,
Add support for *knowledge graph embedding* (KGE), to build on the `UMAP` example, based on `DeepWalk`, `node2vec`, etc., used to handle the semantic tagging of the full recipe dataset.
Depends on…