I could only get around 0.3 for class accuracy with the ground truth motion sequences using the provided pre-trained model files. Here are the logs:
==================== Replication 15 ============…
I wanted to run the test file with the config file named "2sagcn_80e_ntu60_xsub_keypoint_3d.py", but I didn't have the dataset in the correct format because an error was raised like this `running_mean…
Many thanks for sharing the code. I met trouble when execute function getfeatures() -> get_relative_coordinates.
My understanding of this function is to calculate the displacements compared to 4…
Hi there,
Thanks for your interesting work. Can you provide the dataset file for the NTU RGBD 60 cross view setting?
Hi, I try to reproduce the PoseC3D with dataset NTU-RGBD
1. I downloaded the NTU-RGBD skeleton dataset via [link](https://github.com/shahroudy/NTURGB-D)
2. Then I convert the skeleton data to yo…
### Firstly, thank very much for your contribution. Your paper gave me a lot of inspiration.
But I still have some questions. I ran the source code again in my environment, but I can't achieve the sa…
I am training 2s-agcn.
Raw skeleton data are downloaded from [here](https://github.com/shahroudy/NTURGB-D).
Converted to mmaction2 format using `gen_ntu_rgbd_raw.py `.
So have two folders` xsub an…
我想在AI Studio平台 用AGCN去训练NTU-RGB+D数据集,后续会打算进一步处理该数据集,精简一些动作。可是下载的NTU-RGB+D数据集只有一个文件,看不到目录,请问,正确的使用AGCN 训练NTU-RGB+D的使用方式是什么呢?
thanks for your works!
when I run the command
mmskl configs/recognition/st_gcn_aaai18/ntu-rgbd-xview/test.yaml
I've got an error
AssertionError: Invalid device id
can you tell me how to solve …
Since the Top-Down approach is being used for human-pose estimation, the computational power required will increase as the number of people increase, will this model be still good enough for real-time…