I am running docker on my VPS with Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS , I test with "openconnect -v $myhostIP" command on my mac (the behavior is the same on my android phone) but for some reason after asking for use…
hi , thank you for great work , connection on openconnect android app is perfect
but on ios or other ssl aps ther s a problem with connecting
error : connection timed out
is there any way to solve…
So when I run the script on my server, everything is fine for 2 or 3 days. But after that, my IP address doesn't change when I connect to the server. It seems like the traffic is not going through the…
can we limit server to 1 username / password that only used by one device at same time?
another question, iPhone devices can connect to server with AnyConnect App downloaded from Apple AppStore?
I get this log in anyconnect client:
POST https://x.x.x.x/
Attempting to connect to server x.x.x.x:443
Connected to x.x.x.x:443
There was a non-CA certificate in the trusted list: OU=Copyrig…
Hello man, I set the VPN server up and I am able to connect to it with OpenConnect application. now I was wondering how can I connect to the server with android devices?
Thank you for this great and easy-to-setup guide. I successfully created an openconnect connection using your guide and everything seems to be fine. However, my connection gets terminated by th…
Seeking help from Go experts (@jefferyto).
I've updated nebula Makefile to 1.7.1 and I get the following error:
Building targets
../../cert/cert.go:5:2: package crypto/ecdh is not in GORO…
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 其它 / other
这是继 #2364 之后的又一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。记得可以直接编辑留言,而不必用鼠标逐个点击。
Reconnecting every 4 minutes as described in the image