Gather information about design thinking related interviews and come up with possible questions to make in the interview for it to be standardized for the project.
**Instructions**: https://bloquen…
When turning on v6.0 radio power, the Octavo resets due to a brown out.
- Change the dv/dt resistor of the TPS, or change it back (see cesar's changes)
- Add more capacitance on the input of the s…
Itzultzen hasten da baina adibidez 6/27n geratu egiten da ez aurrera ez atzera. Stop eman eta ez du ezer ematen, ezta ustez itzuli dituen 6 zati horiek ere.
They should be listed in this order:
### Prerrequisitos
(Marcar colocando una `X` entre los corchetes los ítems que ya hiciste, así: `"[X]"`)
* [X] Leí las reglas del foro (https://github.com/IIC2233/Syllabus/wiki/6.-Reglas-del-f…
- [x] 1 - Cumple el primer punto (Respecto a la estructura del sitio visualizar que contenga estos elementos cada sección) porque contiene todos los elementos:
● Logo
● Barra de búsqueda
countdown would make a great quarto extension and I fully intend to make it happen. Something like this:
{{< countdown-timer 1:30 warn_when=30 >}}
Although I haven't thought mu…
1. Cumple el primer punto (Respecto a la estructura del sitio visualizar que contenga estos elementos cada sección) porque contiene todos los elementos:
- Logo
- Barra de búsqueda…
From Oliver Jones:
* Calculate thermistor voltage from ADC counts and ADC rail voltage.
* Calculate thermistor R from thermistor voltage (voltage division stuff).
* Calculate temperature as functio…
### System Info
Python 3.11.6
Langchain 0.0.315
Device name Precision7760
Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11950H @ 2.60GHz 2.61 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.2 GB usable)
Device ID 0…