polymorphism Greek word that means to "have many forms".
Objects can be identified by more than one type
Eg. A dog is also: Canine,Animal, Organism
class boat, class bicycle & class car identif…
What does it mean?
So, if ill have to match product from front end to back end it will be hard.
So for now ill do it by labels.
Careful next time!
Check out this Python script and create a short video explaining how it works:
**System Details**
- OS: [Mabox Linux (Manjaro based) - X11, Linux mint, Pop! OS]
- Thorium Version [M128.0.6613.189]
There is a framerate limit of 60 FPS globally.
**Did you r…
Oop (자바 객체에 대해)
GC에서 마크 앤 스위프라는 알고리즘을 이용해 가비지를 수집한다.
이때 참조하는 것이 메모리의 주소 즉 해시코드이다.
자바의 모든 객체는 Oop라고 불리는 객체로 표현된다.
C에서의 포인터와 유사하며 객체의 메타데이터를 들고있다.
### C의 메모리할당과 자바의 메모리할당
C에서는 mallo…
Can you please tell me if this tool is appropriate for converting OO PHP to the equivalent OO Python?
Part of this is for learning the similarities between the languages and also as a head sta…
![Dissable inheritence](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/128980344/232361915-b19d7e87-4115-45fc-8621-5c439327481a.png)