I read many PDFs without a ToC and upon first opening them I add bookmarks on all pages that mark the beginning of a new chapter. For this I use the page browser as I can easily see where the new chap…
Hi, thanks for your great work.
I am interested in the details about **open-vocab segmentation** and I have few questions regarding this task.
1. In the `architecture surgery`, I'm wondering wh…
Thanks for your contribution! I found a wrong link exists of the paper "_Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP_". The correct link is here[https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.04150]. Hop…
## 活动说明
Hi! when will you release the code of paper `Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Patch Aligned Contrastive Learning` cvpr2023 ?
Thank you for sharing excellent work!
I am trying to get segmentation masks (open-vocabulary) from the code.
I tried argmax from "similarity_map" from demo.py, and it showed lower performance.
Thanks for your work and for sharing the code!
It is, however unclear to me how the **mIoU** was computed for the open-vocabulary segmentation tasks.
In the paper (sec.5.1.3 page 10), you mention…
## 什么是 GLCC?
第二届 GitLink 确实开源编程夏令营(GLCC)是由 CCF 中国计算机学会主办,之江实验室承办,CCF 开源发展委员会与 GitLink 确实开源社区共同协办的面向全国高校学生的暑期编程夏令营活动。
高校学生参加 GLCC OpenMMLab 的课题,入选后可获得 OpenMMLab 开源专家 1V1 指导、9000~12000RMB 不等的丰厚奖金(税前)及…
Hi All,
Thank you for your amazing work and repo!
I'm trying to inference the open vocab model by some random image.
I followed the installation instructions and completed them without any errors, …
## 公告
1. 非常欢迎你对飞桨框架做贡献,我们正在运营一个组织——飞桨框架贡献者俱乐部([Paddle Framework Contributor Club, PFCC](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/community/tree/master/pfcc)),会通过定期分享技术知识与发布开发者主导任务的形式持续为飞桨框架做贡献。如果你有意向加入 PFCC,可…