First of all, jiracli is awesome!
But there is a small thing missing for me to be really useful. How can I query all issues that are in the actual sprint, that contains issues from many different pro…
$ gulp
(node:34867) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version.
throw err;
### Overview
While searching for issues in Gallifrey, apply a search filter and a term filter.
### Expected Behavior
In the "Search Jira", use the search filter to get a small list of issues and the…
You can use the issue finder to get the changelog but not sql. This can cause an excess of queries. Is there a way around this? I can't seem to find a way to pass in `expand=changelog` into the jql fu…
**As** a ScrumMaster
**I Want** to print all Issues and Sub-Tasks of the active sprint
**So That** all issues and and sub-tasks are visible on our physical board.
It is not possible to select subtask…
New to go and this templating thing. Is it possible to define your own subcommands?
I would love to have `jira sprint` to run `jira ls --query="sprint in openSprints() and project=ACME"`
I tried to …
Whenever i call the search method and pass along jql and fileds, i get a undefined.
Here the call:
jira.search.search({jql: 'issuetype in(Story,Bug,Issue) AND status not in("Resolved","Closed") AND…
My company's JIRA is available through HTTP only.
Thus, I need to manually edit JIRA_BASE_URL variable, and I think this is bad.
1st the facebook page should be fleshed out, then the link to the facebook page should go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/OpenSprints/124263774138 instead of to twitter
After clicking on cancel, the racer still appears in the racers inputbox. Further, there is a blank entry in the racers inputbox after canceling a racer where nothing has been entered into the name in…