#### Current Behavior
- As of 2:49 on December 7th, thanks to Dave's fix -- which, is outlined here:https://trello.com/c/kIvMHGsr/202-unplanned-work-fix-issues-caused-by-c…
I was just wondering if you plan to update to the new FontAwesome 5 (free or pro)?
Thanks in advance!
#### What's gone wrong?
We've been receiving support tickets that [users are unable to report back](https://trello.com/c/Tty6lzyK/1684-bug-unauthenticated-error-message-on-rb-submissi…
I was created my custom widget for choose icon. this widget extends Icon controls manager of Elementor. But icons title not displaying with fab and title displaying with fa please show my screenshots
I use KeyRemap4Macbook (now "Karabiner") and PCKeyboardHack (now "Seil") to remap my CapsLock key to F19. Previously when using Slate and Phoenix I could take advantage of their modal mod…
I am using the FontAwesome Pro module and it works great however there is no support for brand icons.
So I thought I would add the standard Fontawesome module to get them but then my project bloats o…
In Phoenix 1.3, application in `mix.exs` looks like this:
def application do
mod: {MyApp.Application, []},
extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :ssl]
I know this isn't code*, but we don't have a good issue tracker (there's trello but no one uses it!).
\* Doing this will resolve the CTRE Can Timeout Errors, which will let us see what we log.
In the same way that you config the database:
# Configure your database
config :app, App.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
I created an Elixir - Phoenix [implementation](https://github.com/jeffweiss/todobackend-phoenix/blob/master/README.md) for [Todo-Backend](http://www.todobackend.com/). Should this be an additional exe…