I was poking at one of my companies internal website and saw that changing the `Referer: ` header redirected me to the location of the URL in it. After talking to the dev we fixed changing the line 10…
# Bug report
### What I did
I keep getting errors when using a subfield that has a "withfiles" configuration. This is the setup:
1) There is a model with its "pdfs" attribute as a repeatable …
# Bug report
### What I did
I have two ```dropzone``` fields, along with some other fields, within a ```repeatable```. I'm using the ```backpack/medialibrary-uploaders``` and ```spatie/laravel-…
Hi all,
I have set up crud admin for a database. It loads the home page fine, but as soon as i click on a database table and select either list or create, the server throws a 404 error saying that t…
I started the server with: php -S localhost:8080 -t public/
and these errors are coming
PHP 5.6.23-1+deprecated+dontuse+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 Development Server started at Tue Aug 23 16:10:37 2016
# Bug report
Declaration of Backpack\CRUD\app\Models\Traits\SpatieTranslatable\HasTranslations::getLocale() must be compatible with Spatie\Tags\Tag::getLocale(): string
### What I did
Make code for a basic crud operation in php
Looking at what is printed the urls in the admin ui:
But the readme doesn'…
Mte90 updated
2 years ago
# Bug report
### What I did
In migration file
Schema::create('lessons', function (Blueprint $table) {
## Bug description
An action created with only a url link cannot be updated with function `$actions->update`.
## Steps to reproduce
1. Add to controller in `configureActions` function followi…