## 一言でいうと
強化学習で、難しい探査問題に対してドメイン固有の知識に依存してるため、一様ランダムな探索ばかり行われていた。表現学習に密接な関係にある劣確率的代替表現(substochastic successor representation)を疑似カウントとするカウントベース探索を行うことでより大きいドメインの問題にアプローチできる研究。SSRは代替状態の類似性によって状態の一般化を…
Hello, Can your code implement conditional sampling?
Hi! First of all, I would like to congratulate you for your brilliant work.
So far, I have adapted your code to work with time series, instead audio files. For now, I'm using it to (successfully) pr…
I am trying to train a vanilla CIFAR-10 Pixel-SNAIL model using the command given in the README.
In Tensorflow 1.9, the code is hanging at these lines:
model = tf.make_template('model', getat…
Line 136 in mnist_trainer.py, the operation (p_loss > 0).sum() may give unwanted result because p_loss > 0 returns a BytetTensor which can represent value from 0~255. However, the summation may excee…
Happy to report I was able to train a VQ-VAE using a dataset. Very cool to see - and kudos for the nice Tensorboard outputs you have in place! 😎
1. Do you have any suggestions or cod…
- Name of layer type: **'Conv_transpose2d'**
- Is this a PyTorch or a TensorFlow layer type: **PyTorch**
- Your version of coremltools: **7.0**
- Your version of PyTorch/TensorFlow: **PyTorch 2.0.1…
Hi. I'm just reporting that [`cloudpickle` `v1.5.0`](https://pypi.org/project/cloudpickle/1.5.0/) currently breaks [TensorFlow Probability `v0.10.0`](https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/releases…
### Description
**Short summary**: When applying a mask to a convolution kernel, the gradients are unexpectedly non-zero for masked input elements.
**Minimal example in Colab**: [![Open In Collab](…
## Abstract
- propose Vector Quantised Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE)
- generative model that learns discrete representations
- prior is learnt rather than static
- solves the issue of "po…