@facchinm (I wouldn't bug you if it wasn't important!)
Someone on the [edgeImpulse.com forum](https://forum.edgeimpulse.com/t/object-detection-on-m4-core/4778) is trying to get a machine learning v…
Has anyone figured out a wrapper for Arduino MBED SD card examples (I use the Portenta) to work with traditional Arduino SD.h library [here](https://github.com/arduino-libraries/SD)
Try this code on both cores of the PortentaH7? The blue LED should flash and serial monitor should send info using RPC from M4 to M7, BUT when I change
#if defined(PORTENTA_H7_M4) || defined(…
The PortentaH7 does not work with a simple http POST of form data using the Arduino-HttpClient. I filed an issue at the github
**Feature Request: Add functionality for the Arduino Protenta Pro Series of boards**
I specifically use the PortentaH7 which as far as I can tell does not work using any of the Adafr…
@facchinm @sbhklr
With other ~30 pin Arduinos I understand pin names relate to ports, for example::
PA14, PB3, PC1, PD10
, but on the PortentaH7 we have potentially 160 Pins. That many pins …
I like this concept. I will try it on Adafruit.io
Can someone check if the [ArduinoIoTCloud-Basic](https://github.com/arduino-libraries/ArduinoIoTCloud/tree/master/examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Basic) kills the PortentaH7 (Solid Red onBoard LED). I have c…
Please design an ov7670 library example for the Arduino PortentaH7. I am doing a fair bit of examples and am only interested in the ov7670 library to be able to port it to the Portenta if possible. My…
The tutorial for updating bootloader for Portenta board has wrong file mentioned https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/portenta-h7/updating-the-bootloader
It seems that in newest Core version, the upda…