**Describe the bug**
I'm generating documentation for a Prolog system implementation using Sphinx. The Prolog language includes conjunction and disjunction control constructs that are represented by,…
:- use_module(library(prolog_stream)).
% Writeq/1s a term the user_error and flushes
dmsg(M):-format(user_error,'~N~n% dmsg: ~q.~n',[M]),flush_output(user_error).
/** Tests the Prolog stream…
Instead of creating a new issue as soon as someone thinks a new implementation makes sense, let's use this ticket for collecting ideas which implementations could make sense in the future.
Only whe…
This issue will track the implementation of animation.
My current working idea is that we should have a separate function that steps through the prolog code and makes a list of the actions and ids of…
I think this condition is broken: https://github.com/abcorrea/asp-grounding-planning/blob/c64591f2336d97682c5c4c144397d69e13a6b193/src/translate/pddl_to_prolog.py#L136
The problem is that if y…
For example:
?- X=f(X,a(X)), Y=f(Y,b(Y)), Z=f(Y,c(Y)), compare(A,X,Y), compare(B,Y,Z), compare(C,X,Z).
X = f(X, a(X)),
Y = f(Y, b(Y)),
Z = f(Y, c(Y)),
A = B, B = ().
?- A =…
Would it be possible to have some time/1 and
statistics/2 predicate? Its not listed here:
Which is understandable, since the ISO core
standard doesn't me…
See work here: https://github.com/guregu/trealla-js
Looks like this should actually be pretty doable. Trealla supports WASI as a target (https://github.com/trealla-prolog/trealla) and is already on…
The main building stone on prolog systems is a "fact", same as in XL each time a new definition is given with the keyword `is`.
How does one differentiate from each other in conceptual level? How is …
I'm interested in using ichiban/prolog for a project, but I need to be able to persist and distribute prolog facts. My use case requires a multi-region deployment topology for high availability, but m…