iaacornus@sysmain ~ [1]> conda install -c conda-forge dockstring
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Instructions: Please create a basic python port scanner. That takes in an IP or IP range as a command line parameter. Use cli flags like -h etc.
Use the file name pymap.py
Hi! I'm trying to do port this code in python, following your MATLAB source in order to get a simulation for hardware-in-loop DBS in an academic project. Thank you for releasing it on ModelDB. :)
These APIs have been ported:
#### Simple
- [x] get_user_info
- [x] get_connected_agents
- [x] get_alerts
- [x] get_explore_grouping_hierarchy
- [x] get_data_retention_info **_Works, but I find this to…
In contexts where you don't require a Python install for other things, including nix-gl-host drags along of python 3 as a ~100mb bump in size.
For example - I have a Rust program that I package int…
ESP32 flashing failure always get error 2?
C:\Users\jibun\AppData\Local\Programs\Thonny\python.exe -u -m esptool --port COM8 erase_flash
esptool.py v4.4
Serial port COM8
Could this library be ported to the new Python 3.12 version by changing the import imp since that is not supported since python 3.4 was recently removed from 3.12 and so could not be installed for peo…
## Overview
The main task we have right now is to send GPS coordinates through the serial port, to the antenna consistently. We are planning on using GCOM to get these coordinates. Since GCOM is writt…
AFAIK, all dependencies support Python 3 now.