Will you provide QR-DQN code?
The readme doesn't mention an implementation of expectile regression (Statistics and Samples in Distributional Reinforcement Learning - http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/rowland19a). Is one in the work…
I'm trying to make the trained model made by the offline agents to work with my online environment, which is written in Golang and loads models from hdf5 files. But when I'm looking at the sour…
2bben updated
4 years ago
Hello @ku2482
May I ask you several implementation details and why you made these decisions?
1. In [this line](https://github.com/ku2482/fqf-iqn-qrdqn.pytorch/blob/72e48a085dcb213e58960ce00fc734…
Hi everyone, I am reading the great IQN paper and following the implementation, but I find that the definition of loss function is slightly different from described in IQN and the previous QR-DQN:
Firstly, I run the rl_utils.py and it generate a qr-dqn-solution-cool.ipynb file.
When I try to run the code in ipython notebook, the following error occured. Is there something wrong?
In this line we have np.argsort applied to all quantilles in the loop:
It would be …